MORE tributes have been left for a Somerset councillor who wanted to "create a better life" for everyone.

Cllr Dean Ruddle died suddenly last Friday aged 59.

Rachael Ruddle has led the family tributes, saying: "We are distraught to say goodbye to our dearest Dean.

“He was the most caring husband, father, and grandfather you could have ever wished for.

"Our family’s wellbeing was always his highest priority in life.

"He was such a kind-hearted man who wanted the best for everyone around him.

"This was shown through his relentless efforts and achievements in Somerton, surrounding areas and in Somerset as a whole.

“From the minute he woke up to the minute he went to sleep he did all he could to create a better life for all that surround him. His phone records would prove this statement scarily true.

“Even when times were hard, his quick-witted personality and charming way lightened and managed each and every situation he was in.

“Dean’s unqualified love and beautiful heart leaves a memory that will live with us forever.

"His legacy will live on through our family, his four children and his 14 grandchildren.”

READ MORE: Tributes to Cllr Dean Ruddle.

Cllr Mike Best, chairman of Somerset Council, said: “Dean Ruddle’s passing is a huge loss to his family, friends, the local government family in Somerset and the wider community.

“He was such a dedicated and hard-working councillor and a great family man.

"We are all the poorer for his loss. I would like to extend my deepest sympathy to his family at this very sad time.”

Somerset Council's Cllr Habib Farbahi said: "It was a privilege to have known Dean, a true friend and a great colleague.

"His selfless generosity, uncompromising and unwavering commitment to his Somerton community and beyond was exemplary. I cannot truly capture the sense of loss.

"My deepest sympathy goes out to Dean’s wife and his family in this trying time.

"Rest in peace my dear friend."