I’LL never forget my first appointment of the day on a cold and frosty morning a few years ago.

My assignment was to value a quaint old cottage set along the road which runs between Cothelstone and Enmore.

Inspection complete, no sooner had I taken a seat to discuss my conclusions, with an invitation to take tea and biscuits with my welcoming hosts, than we jumped to our feet on hearing an almost deafening crash from the road outside.

Fearing the worst, we ran out to find an upturned car embedded in the hedge, with a plume of smoke rising from within and a frightened voice pleading for help.

Fearing the onset of an inferno, I yanked open the door to encounter the petrified occupant suspended upside down, clearly held in place by his seatbelt.

Probably not the best action looking back, I released the belt from its holder and, not surprisingly, the poor chap dropped like a stone to the ceiling – which was of course now the floor!

My clients and I then pulled him from the wreckage and carried him to the safety of their garden.

Whilst the rescue operation was in motion, another motorist arriving on the scene had summoned all three emergency services who, so very thankfully, arrived in what seemed next to time and took control magnificently – as they so often do.

Further elaboration of this rather shocking episode is unnecessary other than to conclude that the driver escaped with only superficial injuries.

The car – less fortunate, was quickly towed away, closely followed by the highly efficient police, fire brigade and ambulance personnel. 

Back inside the cottage, silence took control.

I looked blankly at my hosts and my hosts looked blankly at me. The entire episode had taken place in less than an hour.

Had it really happened? Now where were we Mr Willey? My fellow rescuer asked – tea and biscuits?

Chris Willey is an Independent Property Appraiser and welcomes sale related enquiries on 01823 412661.