PLANS have been submitted to make repairs to the entrance of Taunton railway station to preserve the building's heritage and architecture.

The station has been the subject of significant recent investment, with Network Rail and Great Western Railway working together to deliver a new multi-storey car park off the A3087 Trenchard Way and revamping the southern entrance.

Network Rail has now published plans to repair the roof and canopy at the far end of the southern entrance, near the entrance to the neighbouring Great Western Hotel.

The repairs will include the removal of dry rot within the timber beams, curing rising damp within the structure and replacing damaged tiles on the roof.

The repairs are intended to preserve the station and prevent further damage, with the materials being used being similar to recent repairs at Bath Spa railway station.

If approval is granted, any work will be carried out without closing significant portions of the station.

You can view the plans on the Somerset Council planning portal. The planning reference number is 38/24/0159/LB.