NINE years ago, we were waving goodbye to daring unicyclist Ed Pratt as he set off on a one-wheel round-the-world adventure.

Former Wellington School student Ed, then 19, was hoping to raise £7,500 for the Somerset-based School in a Bag charity. By the time he’d finished his circumnavigation of the globe, which took him 3 years and 135 days, he’d raised £300,000.

His adventure took him through China, Australia and North America, and back through Europe – cycling up through Portugal, Spain and France and finally the UK.

In May 2015, ten weeks into the project, he wrote on Ed’s World Unicycle Tour Facebook page: “I’ve hit Serbia. The guys working at the border control seemed a bit bemused when I rolled up: ‘You came from England on that?’ they said. The roads here are fantastic, minus the crazy drivers, and the people have been incredibly generous.”

Ed is still unicycling around and runs a successful YouTube channel, @EdPratt, documenting his adventures, with 233,000 followers.