ON Saturday, May 18, CAG Somerset and Somerset Climate Action Network joined forces to organise and host an inspiring event at the Albemarle Centre in Taunton.

The event aimed to foster connections between individuals and groups committed to shaping a sustainable future for Somerset whilst encouraging community well-being and climate action.

The event kicked off with an inspiring keynote address by Trewin Restorick, a trailblazer and influential figure in the UK's recycling and resource sector.

Restorick's message focused on the power of radical collaboration and left the audience eager to delve deeper into the day's discussions.

The morning panel explored themes around ‘Waste and the Circular Economy’.

The panellists – including Lily Morton from SUEZ, Mickey Green from Somerset Council, and Teresa Woof from Wivey Kitchen – shared insights into how individuals can contribute to the growth of circular initiatives in the county.

Wivey Kitchen spoke about its innovative approach to tackling food waste by creating nutritious meals for the local community from surplus food.

The afternoon focus shifted to ‘Visioning into 2030’ with a panel including Nicky Saunter from Boston Tea Party Café and Anita Roy from Transition Town Wellington; each provided valuable perspectives on driving sustainable change in Somerset.

The event also featured a series of engaging workshops ranging from real-life reuse ideas led by Catherine Conway, director for Go Unpackaged, to discussions on the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) and tips on improving property energy efficiency by Chris Gaskell for Retrofit Somerset.

Throughout the day participants were encouraged to adopt sustainable practices by bringing their own picnic, reusable cups and water bottles – aligning with the event's commitment to reducing waste and promoting self-reliance.

The event highlighted the power of collective action and served as a testament to the dedication of individuals and organisations in Somerset to create a sustainable and resilient future. With the valuable insights and inspiration gained from the event, attendees left equipped and motivated to continue to contribute to positive changes in their communities.

About Resource Futures

Resource Futures (www.resourcefutures.co.uk) is an employee-owned, independent environmental consultancy with a 30-year heritage in the waste and resources sector. Our services are designed to realise our vision of a sustainable world, with a focus on designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use and supporting and regenerating natural systems – a world designed according to circular economy principles. We do this by gathering high quality evidence and conducting expert data analysis to inform governmental policy, provide direction for businesses and organisations, as well as support local authority services. Our work is complemented by related behaviour change consultancy, which we see as pivotal to this mission, guiding and influencing people in businesses, communities, and the world over to adopt more sustainable behaviours vital to our future.

We are proud to be part of the B Corp movement and take an ethical approach to business to make a positive difference in the world.

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Somerset Council and SUEZ Partnership

The CAG Somerset network is funded via Somerset Council and SUEZ’s Somerset Waste: Enhanced Environmental Performance (SW:EEP) fund.

The SW:EEP fund uses ring-fenced income from the sale of recyclable materials. The money is designated for the benefit of the community.

The partnership backs projects with aims that take action on climate change, behaviour change and positive community support (for example, groups who work to reduce food waste in their local communities)

Ben McCabe is the marketing & communications manager at Resource Futures.