A COFFEE morning for parents and carers of children with special educational needs, specifically autism and ADHD, has been a "huge hit".

It is held every Wednesday from 9:30am to 12pm at Taunton YMCA, Lisieux Way, with children welcome to come along.

Claire Naylor, the organiser of the coffee morning, said: "I started the coffee mornings about six weeks ago because I felt there was a real need. I'm a parent with two children with autism, and actually, there has been a huge response."

Somerset County Gazette: Claire Naylor and her family.Claire Naylor and her family. (Image: Claire Naylor)

"The coffee morning is parent-led, non-profit, and is just to offer signposting, support and guidance, with a website coming soon with online support for parents and carers."

The event is open to "everybody" with Claire also inviting "parents of neurotypical children" to come and learn about "how to support friends and family with children who have special needs".

Claire added: "We want to make sure no parents are sitting at home not knowing where to turn or realising we're there.

Somerset County Gazette: The parent-led coffee morning is a no pressure environment.The parent-led coffee morning is a no pressure environment. (Image: Claire Naylor)

"If you're concerned that your child may not be meeting their milestones, or if they're not thriving at school and you feel that you're not being supported correctly by the education system and the NHS in regards to a diagnosis.

"Or you have a child with a diagnosis and would love to chat with other parents and carers in similar positions then pop along to our coffee, chat and support group. We provide ongoing support, signposting, in-house training, or just ask questions."

The event has a Facebook group, Coffee, Chat and Support.