A MUCH-LOVED independent book shop in Taunton will soon host talks from climate specialists ahead of the general election.

Brendon Books, found in Bath Place, has collaborated with Climate Action Taunton to organise three talks to help voters make an informed decision and ensure a 'cleaner, greener and a fairer future' on Thursday, July 4.

A spokesperson said: "Brendon Books and Taunton Literary Festival in association with green groups in Taunton are delighted to bring you three distinguished authors discussing the climate and the ecological emergencies and  their impacts.

"Strengthening partnerships between political and social movements is essential for driving positive change on climate, ecological, and social justice issues.

"These talks aim to amplify the community voices and ensure that they are heard loudly and clearly.

"Fostering an ongoing dialogue before, during and after the general election to support policy makers and to hold them accountable."

The dates and times of the three talks are as follows:

  • Bill McGuire - 24 June, 6.30pm: Bill is Professor Emeritus of Geophysical & Climate Hazards at UCL a Co-director of the New Weather Institute. He will talk about climate policy and  its relationship to climate triggers causing catastrophic events such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions.
  • Roger Morgan-Grenville - 27 June, 6.30pm: Roger is a writer, speaker and campaigner on conservation. As a story teller, he believes strongly in the power of persuasion and entertainment in the battle to halt decline, and promote regeneration.. He will give an overview on nature restoration and activism. 
  • Vikki Herd - 1 July, 6.30pm: As well as being a major bug lover and author of a recent book on rebugging the planet, she is also the Strategic Lead on Agriculture and the Wildlife Trusts  and also a part-time expert consultant. She will talk about how national policy can influence our farming and wildlife.