A FATHER of two who is currently undergoing treatment for a rare cancer is officially opening this year’s Race for Life in Taunton.

David Westlake, 38, found himself in a very dark place just before Christmas in 2023 when a lump on his back turned out to be Ewing Sarcoma – a cancer that occurs primarily in the bone or soft tissue, in children and young adults.

David, who works as a customer account executive in the health sector, has been asked to officially start Taunton’s Race for Life on Sunday, July 7, where his wife Rachel and his twins, Mason and Morgan age 11, will tackle the 5k route at Bridgwater and Taunton College, which runs through the picturesque Longrun Meadow.

Money raised at Race for Life will help scientists find new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancers.

David said the pain and discomfort led him to seek help when he couldn’t sleep, but he thought the pain he was dealing with was due to the fatty lump.

He also said: “Never did I consider it to be anything more serious than a cyst that needed draining, until I arrived at accident and emergency on 15 December 21 December hoping it would be a quick visit.

“I had been to see my GP weeks earlier and I was told that it was probably an innocent lump and would need draining, but not to be concerned about it.

“It was fairly close to my spine, and it seemed to come out of nowhere, but as time went on, I became really anxious uncomfortable, was in a lot of pain, and couldn’t sleep as I couldn’t turn on to my back.

“I had also stopped eating. “I finally went to A&E, having felt mentally and physically exhausted, and I was told I needed to have a surgeon look at it following a CT scan. Just days a day later on 22 December I got told I had cancer.

“From that moment I felt like my life had changed forever. My mind went to a very dark place, and I honestly never thought I would even leave hospital yet be in the place I am today having completed 10 cycles of chemo out of 14.

Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life, in partnership with headline sponsor Standard Life, part of Phoenix Group, is an inspiring series of 3k, 5k, 10k, Pretty Muddy and Pretty Muddy Kids events which raise millions of pounds every year to help beat cancer by funding crucial research.

Every year around 36,800 people are diagnosed with cancer in the South West*.

Hannah Drake, who is the Race for Life event manager for Taunton, said: “We are so grateful for David and his family’s support and I know his story will make an impact on everyone who hears it.    

“No matter how cancer affects us, life is worth racing for. Sadly nearly 1 in 2 of us will get cancer in our lifetime.

“Race for Life has the power not only to transform lives but to save them. We’re proud that Race for Life has already helped double survival rates in the UK.”    David’s cancer journey also meant he had to deal with a pleural effusion - excessive fluid which was squashing his right lung.

He added: “I had to have an immediate chest drain. Over the next five days, having been admitted to hospital until further notice, I had five litres drained from my right lung.

“Something I didn't even know was there. It later turned out to have been caused by my cancer.”

“My wife, work, friends & family have been absolutely incredible. Their help and support have been amazing, and I don't know how I can ever repay them. I'm lucky to have the perfect support network around me.”

David’s message to others is to not put off getting health concerns checked out.

He said: “Don't end up like me where you go into hospital with one thing and find out you have something else you didn't even know was there.

“It may turn out to be really serious and may totally change your life too...

"If in doubt, get it checked out".

He added: “Having cancer has made me an even more positive person and made me want to be an even better person in life. I want to help others who have been affected by cancer in whatever small ways I can.”

“This is so they can get a real picture of a world that exists that I never thought I would be part of. Although this can be extremely scary and worrying, it can be turned into a positive chapter in your life.”

David will also be fundraising for Cancer Research UK with what he has called ‘The Westlake Walk’.

He will be walking 44 miles over three days later this year from his house in Taunton to the Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre, where he has been having his cancer treatment.

To sponsor him visit his Cancer Research UK Giving Page by clicking the link here: https://fundraise.cancerresearchuk.org/page/davids-giving-page-28673339.