TAUNTON Preschool is thrilled to announce that it has retained its 'GOOD' rating following a recent Ofsted inspection conducted on 2 May 2024.

This achievement highlights the preschool's continued dedication to providing high-quality early years education and care.

The preschool previously received a 'Good' rating during its last inspection in 2018.

Ofsted, the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills, is responsible for inspecting and regulating services that care for children and young people, as well as those providing education and skills for learners of all ages.

A 'Good' rating signifies that the preschool is performing well and effectively supporting children's development and learning.

YMCA Taunton Preschool operates from the YMCA in Taunton and has been providing quality early childhood education for over four decades.

It serves children and their families with a welcoming and supportive environment.

With a dedicated team of eight staff members, seven of whom hold Level 3 qualifications, the preschool ensures that children receive the best possible start in their educational journey.

The Ofsted inspection report commended YMCA Taunton Preschool for its nurturing and effective educational environment. Key quotes from the report include: "Children flourish and enjoy their experiences at this welcoming and friendly preschool.

“Staff know the children incredibly well and interact with them in a kind and caring manner, supporting and encouraging them in their learning.

“As a result, children are happy and confident, showing high levels of self-esteem.

"Staff are positive role models and are sensitive and kind in their approach. This helps children to learn good behaviours and develop respectful relationships with others."

Claire Langley, General Manager of YMCA Taunton, expressed her joy at the preschool's accomplishment: "I am delighted that our preschool has received a Good rating from Ofsted.

“This achievement is a testament to the unwavering dedication and hard work of our staff, the support of our parents/carers, and the enthusiasm of our children.

“Together, we are providing a nurturing and high-quality early education that sets a strong foundation for children to grow and thrive."

YMCA Taunton Preschool remains committed to fostering an inclusive and stimulating learning environment where every child can thrive.

The preschool's dedicated staff continuously strive to enhance their teaching practices and engage with each child's individual needs, ensuring a robust foundation for lifelong learning.

YMCA Taunton is a charitable organisation dedicated to promoting the holistic development of individuals and families through a range of programmes and services. From early years education to youth support, YMCA Taunton aims to strengthen the community by fostering growth, learning, and well-being.

For those interested in attending or seeking further information, please contact: YMCA Taunton Phone: 01823 283899 / 01823 274667 Email: info@ymcataunton.co.uk