The Taunton Area Cycling Campaign (TACC) has launched a new award scheme to mark Bike Week.

It aims to showcase and encourage good cycle quality provision.

Marion Nieuwenhuizen, one of the organisers, expressed concern about the quality of cycling infrastructure.

She said: "Although there is some good cycle provision in Taunton, unfortunately some of it is not very user friendly.

"TACC hopes that this scheme will encourage good quality provision and in turn enable more people to use their bikes."

There are examples of good recent cycle provision in the Taunton area.

These encompass covered cycle parking like one at the Lyngford Park Surgery and the Aldi store at Chip Lane, as well as free bike repair sessions offered by On Your Bike.

(Image: TACC)

TACC now invites nominations for its Gold and Silver awards that acknowledge excellent and good schemes, respectively.

Open till August 16, the winners will be announced on International Car Free Day, September 22.

Ranging from cycle parking and routes to promotional efforts, any commendable projects can be nominated by individuals or organisations.

Anyone interested may nominate schemes to along with details such as the scheme's location, its type, and reasons for its commendation.