A GENEROUS donation has been made to Bridgwater and Taunton College by a grass cutting company.

STIGA has donated two lawnmowers to the college, which has campuses in Bridgwater, Taunton and Cannington.

The donated Collector 136e mower and Combi 950 SQ AE mower will be used by students undertaking horticultural studies at the Cannington campus.

Emma Butler, the Horticulture Course Leader, said: "Thank you so much to STIGA for the incredible donation to the college of these mowers.

"They will be a great asset to the college and a great resource to our practical lessons helping to give our students a great learning experience.  

"We as a college will be very proud to use such a fantastic brand as STIGA and I’m sure these will be a massive benefit to the college for years to come.

"STIGA has always been a market leader with an incredible reputation for quality and we will be very pleased to use these products."

A STIGA spokesperson added: "The team at STIGA feel that offering a wide choice of studies that embrace the gardening and environment sector is a real positive for students, their community and the environment as a whole."