IT'S always an exciting time when you decide you want to extend your home in some way.

Whether you’re adding an extra bedroom for a new arrival or you have outgrown your dining space, the list of changes is endless.

But when it comes to knowing the regulations for building near your neighbour’s property, there are some rules you need to know.

This includes the likes of building near the boundary of another party.


Ever wondered; Who is responsible for a certain fence? Can you lean items against a boundary fence? Can my neighbour paint their side of my fence? These questions are answered! #neighbour #neighbor #law #legal #fence #paint #lawyer #solicitor #uk #common #questions

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Can you build right up to your boundary in the UK?

In short, you can build your extension up to 50mm from your neighbour's boundary as long as you have either Permitted Development Rights or have Planning Permission.

“This could be a suitable option if you aren’t able to secure a Party Wall Agreement,” states London-based architects Resi.

“Alternatively, if you are able to come to an understanding with your neighbour and secure a Party Wall Agreement, you’ll be able to build on the boundary line.

“This is our recommended approach if you’re hoping to extend your home to the maximum size possible.”

What is the purpose of a Party Wall Agreement?

A Party Wall Agreement is a “sort of contract between yourself and your neighbour that outlines an understanding between you regarding any building work that could impact a shared wall, boundary or outbuilding,” explains Resi.

When Do You Need Planning Permission?

Recommended reading:

You may need this agreement if you share a boundary wall with a neighbouring property or properties and the work is likely to affect them.

Resi says: “If you’re lucky, you may receive written consent from your neighbour to say that they’re happy for the building work to go ahead.

“You should let them know two months ahead of the proposed start date. However, agreement is not guaranteed and it can prove to be a contentious issue.”