FAR be it for me to tell Morrisons how to run their store in Taunton, but I reckon they’re missing a trick.

By my reckoning they could be making thousands of pounds more a year at virtually no extra cost.

Maybe as a multi-million pound business, that might seem like a tiny drop in Morrisons’ deep profits ocean.

The company’s ads tell us there are ‘More reasons to shop at Morrisons’. Well, I’d like to see them bring in a ‘More reasons to park at Morrisons’ policy for its customers in Taunton.

If you’ve tried finding a bay in the store’s car park at peak shopping times, you will have worked out where I’m coming from.

The problem is caused by anyone - shopper or not - being able to park there for free for up to two hours.

So, anyone nipping into town for a coffee, a haircut, a workout in the gym, shopping in the centre or a pub or restaurant meal is going to take advantage of Morrisons’ generosity. Why wouldn’t you when the council car parks in town are so expensive?

But it means loyal Morrisons shoppers are vying with non-customers for a place to park.

It’s a big issue particularly on some Saturday mornings, while it can be a nightmare at Christmas.

I know of one person who no longer shops at Morrisons because of the parking - she reckons she’s probably one of many who do their weekly shop at other supermarkets in the town.

I checked out Morrisons press office to find out if the situation was hitting the company at the check out tills.

They politely replied: “We won’t be making a comment.” Sounds like they won’t be changing anything.

The store used to charge everyone £1 to park, which was refunded to shoppers.

I know not why that charge was scrapped, but I’m sure Morrisons would be quids in if non-customers were charged £1 an hour. (The company is clearly not averse to making a bit on the side as it has already forfeited a few parking bays to accommodate a car wash facility).