FILM director Danny Boyle has won over locals in Cheddar Gorge after saving a toilet block from closure on the gorge.

Mr Boyle, 67, is using the gorge as the movie set for his sequel to the zombie classic 28 Days Later, which will be called 28 Years Later, due to be released next year.

A fee paid by the production company, 28 Years Later Ltd, to Somerset Council has allowed them to keep the Dagd Hole toilet block open until at least September, The Sun reports.

Derek Bradley-Balmer, chairman of Cheddar Parish Council told The Sun: “We understand the frustrations from businesses and tourists about the lack of toilets. The good news is the Dagd Hole toilet block up the gorge will remain open until September.

Cheddar Gorge is among the UK's most 'unforgettable landmarks'. Cheddar Gorge is among the UK's most 'unforgettable landmarks'. (Image: iankelsall1, Pixabay)

“There is a film production company that want to film around Cheddar Gorge and have offered a compensation payment to pay for our toilets. We can’t guarantee this, but they are in discussion with Somerset Council. However, this is not a long-term solution and we are looking at ways to solve this.”

Three toilet blocks in Cheddar were closed by Somerset Council to save money in April, with residents “disgusted” by the change.

One resident told us at the time: "I find it absolutely disgusting that Somerset Council have closed the toilets in Cheddar.

“I walk up the gorge most days and see buses taking children and pensioners for a 'day out'. Cars full of children, where are these people going to go?  In someone's back garden or against a tree!

“Somerset is full of new houses so where is the poll tax going, on someone's pension or mismanaged ideas!”