Over a third (39%) of the UK believes that it could do a better job than most current politicians. Are you one of them?

This is according to new research conducted by Times Radio, in partnership with YouGov, which launched today (Wednesday, June 19). The new polling data reveals the regions in the UK with the higher levels of political knowledge, ambition, and trust in our politicians as the country gears up for the 2024 General Election.

Here are some of the top findings for the SOUTH WEST:

·       The South West is among the regions with the least confidence in Keir Starmer and the Labour Party's understanding of local issues, with only 19% of respondents agreeing they understand these issues. However, that is still more trust than shown in Rishi and the Conservatives, with only 14% of respondents from the South West feeling that the party understands their local issues well.

·       More locally, a third of respondents in the South West have faith in their local representatives (33%).

·       Among locals there’s a strong sense they could do a better job than current politicians. A significant proportion (40%) of those in the South West believe they would be better MPs than the current politicians.