THE Mayor of Taunton has recently visited the twinned German town.

Councillor Vanessa Garside met the Mayor of Konigslutter, Alexander Hoppe, during her visit to Germany.

A Taunton Town Council spokesperson said: “The Konigslutter Taunton twinning group recently visited the German town, the Mayor of Taunton, Councillor Vanessa Garside, is pictured here with the Burgermeister of Kongislutter, Alexander Hoppe, and Councillor Nick O'Donnell.

“The visit made it into the local paper there too.”

Königslutter lies in a beautiful part of Lower Saxony.

The Taunton Friends of Königslutter and the Freunde von Taunton have alternated civic visits, involving town dignitaries for many years.

Members learn from each other and firm bonds of friendship have developed on both sides. Members often provide accommodation for their visits during their stay.

In October last year, The Taunton Friends of Königslutter Twinning Association (FoK) extended a warm welcome to German friends to enjoy a week packed with visits to coastal and country attractions.

To find out about how to get involved, contact or call 07584502625.