A BOY who wants to help injured and orphaned wildlife has spoken about his mission to climb Mount Snowdon.

Charlie, who lives in Glastonbury, is a wildlife-loving 8-year-old and wanted to do something to help sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife.

His mum is doing the Three Peaks challenge in June, and he has decided to join her for the Mount Snowdon climb on Sunday, June 30.

He is raising money for Secret World Wildlife Rescue, a charity based in Highbridge that rescues, rehabilitate, and releases British wildlife.

Charlie is helping a charity based in HighbridgeCharlie is helping a charity based in Highbridge (Image: Contributed)

Charlie said: "Hi my name is Charlie Webb, and I am 8 years old.

“Secret World is important to me because it’s full of wildlife, and I love all animals.

“Also, I think Secret World is important as wild animals don’t have owners to take care of them, to tell them what to do and what not to do, so sometimes they get stuck in fences and rubbish.

“Secret World will save them or if they are unwell will treat them in their vet room/ hospital until they are better and realise them back into the wild.

“I would like to raise money to help them continue saving and looking after these wild animals and build more centres for them."

George Bethell, head of Education and Public Relations at Secret World Wildlife Rescue, added: “The challenge Charlie has taken on to raise money for sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife is incredible, it is great to see someone so young with such a passion for helping wildlife.

“We’ll all be thinking of Charlie on the 30 but wanted to send him these video messages beforehand.”

Charlie has already well surpassed his initial target of £250 and with your support, he can raise even more.

You can support Charlie by donating to his JustGiving page, where you’ll also be able to read his training updates: https://www.justgiving.com/page/jo-webv-1713466124740