THE pace of technological change is speeding up and that represents a fantastic opportunity for business, writes Emma Warren, Chairperson of Somerset Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.

But that opportunity can only be fully realised with full Government support and investment to create a connected, dynamic and secure future for the UK.

Ahead of the General Election, the Chamber network is calling for a sustained commitment from all politicians to make sure that the UK – through its amazing businesses – keeps pace in the fast-moving digital world.

To that end, the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) has launched a Digital Revolution report, which outlines a framework to ensure the UK remains at the top of the digital table.

It outlines a series of clear asks from policymakers on broadband, wireless connectivity, cyber security and AI and draws on expertise from businesses of all sizes, academia, Chambers and think-tanks.

The report’s recommendations include the need for an AI champion for SMEs, social tariffs for lower-income areas to enable more people to access broadband and a better wireless network infrastructure.

Somerset is a rural county and all too often we hear from our members how they are finding it increasingly difficult to compete against their urban counterparts when they have slow, unreliable broadband and poor mobile telephone coverage.

The reality for many is that 4G and fibre is still on the wish-list and superfast internet connections and 5G are mere pipedreams, as they face signal blackspots, 3G and archaic broadband speeds on a daily basis.

We need rocket boosters under high-speed broadband rollout.

A fast, reliable and affordable connection is now fundamental for every company. As is good mobile telephone coverage across the county.

The ever-changing world of technology is of huge strategic importance to business, both for their own future and the future of an innovative economy in the UK where all companies thrive.