YMCA Taunton is announcing the continuation and expansion of its Community Pantry initiative, a vital resource for residents facing food insecurity during the ongoing cost of living crisis.

For a nominal fee of £2, community members can select 15 items from a diverse array of food and toiletries.

The pantry on Lisieux Way, originally established during the 2020 lockdown, has evolved into a monthly event supported by local supermarkets including Aldi, Lidl, M&S, Co-op, Sainsbury’s, and Morrisons.

This collaboration ensures a steady supply of essential items for those in need.

Clare Langley, general manager of YMCA Taunton, said: “We’ve seen firsthand the difference this service makes.

“Our pantry helps 50-70 people each month, providing not just food, but also a sense of community and support.”

The next Community Pantry will take place on Friday, June 28, with plans to continue monthly events, dependent on donations.

Over the past year, the pantry has aided over 600 individuals and their families, contributing to improved wellbeing and reduced food insecurity in the area.

YMCA Taunton's efforts are bolstered by partnerships with local charities including Arc, Open Doors, Neighbourly, and Fareshare, and the incredible dedication of volunteers.

To highlight the importance of this initiative, all parliamentary candidates have been invited to attend the next event and witness the positive impact on the community.