TWO Somerset parliamentary candidates have commented on the development of the new railway station in Wellington.

Gideon Amos, the Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for Taunton and Wellington, said he met with Great Western Railway to receive an update on the development of the new Wellington station and on improvements at Taunton station.

Mr Amos pressed the case for travellers from the new Wellington station to have excellent connecting services to and from London and the wider rail network at Taunton station.

He also added the case for a railway station in Wellington was first raised in Parliament by Lib Dem MP Jeremy Browne.

Conservative candidate Rebecca Pow replied by saying “it is outrageous that the Lib Dems would try and pretend that they have had anything to do with developing the case for Wellington Station over the last nine years”.

Mr Amos said: “Having worked, in my day job, on big infrastructure projects including offshore wind farms and as head of planning for London’s newest mainline railway station, I am really keen to put the experience I have gained to use for local people to make sure the new Wellington station, first raised in Parliament by Lib Dem MP Jeremy Browne, is the success the town deserves.

“Close liaison with the Liberal Democrat-led Somerset Council is going to be key”.

Mr Amos also asked about the development of Old Oak Common station for HS2 just outside Paddington, including the disruption this would cause during construction and the potential for GWR services to be required to call services there.

He said: “The government has completely failed to communicate how plans for trains to stop at an extra station on the route will affect Taunton and other South West passengers.

“Taunton station and its fast trains to London are the jewel in the crown of Somerset’s rail network and provide a vital economic link with the capital.

“If elected I will be making the case strongly for faster, better trains to and from London – we need to stand firm against any extension of journey time to the capital.”

Mr Amos was also presented with the first name sign for Wellington station produced by local rail users.

Rebecca Pow, Conservative candidate for Taunton and Wellington, said: “It is outrageous that the Lib Dems would try and pretend that they have had anything to do with developing the case for Wellington Station over the last nine years.

“Their farcical Facebook image suggests that somehow the Lib Dem candidate is involved in the project.

“It smacks of desperate measures and is frankly insulting to all those who have worked on this and in particular to me as the woman who has spearheaded this campaign.

“Over the decades many people have indeed called for a rail station to be reinstated in Wellington but actually getting us to a place where this has become a reality is quite a different matter and that is what I am proud to have achieved.

“I have worked incredibly hard lobbying the government to see us progress through the many complex stages of this project, unlocking relevant funding streams at appropriate stages and we are so nearly there.

“I have a commitment from Government for spades to be in the ground by the end of the year.

“Be under no illusion, the Lib Dems would have absolutely no power to ensure this project is completed and would have to go, begging bowl in hand, to a future Labour Government.”

“Only the Conservatives will really invest in our South-West transport links and ensure that Somerset has strong and vocal champions in Parliament, not just kowtowing to the Labour Party and their half-baked plan to only invest in far-away urban areas.

“If I am re-elected on the 4th of July, I will fight tooth and nail to see Wellington Station delivered, I ask local people this: do you honestly think an inexperienced Lib Dem representative who is already showing his true colours by making claims and taking credit where it is not due, would manage to get our Wellington Station built?”