'Feeling the burn' is not something you'd normally associate with Glastonbury Festival - unless you'd left your sun cream in your tent.

But bring on the energetic TV fitness coach Joe Wicks, and suddenly you've got an 'audience' of around 1,000 people doing energetic squats, lunges, star jumps and burpees in front of the Park stage at 10am on a Friday morning.

Motivating music pumps out from the stage as Joe pumps his muscles. It's 'Don't Stop Me Now' by Queen. 'Come on Glastonbury!' Joe shouts, leaping up and down. 'Only 10 seconds left! Yeah! Now our next exercise is press-ups - do them facing uphill if you like to make it a bit easier - here we GO!"

The audience are loving it. Some are gym bunny types in Lycra, or fit, sporty-looking men - many others are middle-aged, in baggy clothes, struggling with their first press-up. They can't keep up with Joe on the stage, they're a bit all over the place, really. But everyone is smiling - in between gasping for breath.

Joe's workout session lasts 30 minutes and at the end of it, there's a huge cheer. Joe looks genuinely delighted. "Hey, next year, it'll be the Pyramid Stage!" he shouts!

And judging by the response to this morning's performance - you never know...