There's no shortage of choice when it comes to food at Glastonbury - in fact, sometimes there's too much. A short walk around any of the main areas offers

Indian, Asian, Mexican, Greek; pizza, pasta, pies, pasties; chips, churros, chorizo... and of course, a wealth of vegetarian and vegan options. It's not cheap -most meals are priced at around £12 -  but there's certainly plenty to tempt your palate.

But .. what about a finer dining option? Well, if you've got access to the Hospitality area and a bit more money in your pocket, you can visit At The Festival, a restaurant where you can choose from a three-course lunch and dinner menu, with wine or champagne, and eat sitting indoors at a proper table, with proper plates and cutlery. 

Among the starters on the menu are dressed Devon crab with marinated fennel and lemon salad, dill and grilled focaccia - that'll cost you £16. Main courses include Parmesan-crusted chicken with roasted pepper and sun-blushed tomato pesto, buckwheat and rocket salad - that's £28 - crispy fried hake fillet with coconut curry sauce, black quinoa pilaf and lime (also £28) and a vegetarian option of Merguez roasted aubergine with crispy chickpea fritter, zhoug, and beetroot ketchup (£21).

There are two choices of dessert: triple chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream, toffee sauce and honeycomb, or Eton Mess (which has a vegan option). Both are priced at £9.

It all sounds delicious ... but it's a bit beyond my means. Suddenly, £12 for a main course doesn't sound so steep.