THE RSPCA are asking for help to find out more about an elderly neglected dog who was found with missing fur and sore skin in Somerset.

The female German Shepherd named Lola was found straying in Yeovil on 18 June with a chronic skin condition that had left her missing fur all over her body.

She was helped by a member of the public before being rescued by the council’s dog warden, who took Lola to a vet and contacted the animal welfare charity to investigate as they had concerns about her untreated skin condition.

“Her skin is sore and infected. She has no hair over the main part of her body and back and she has very grey thickened skin so this condition will have been going on for some time,” said RSPCA Inspector Jo Story.

“We know from her microchip details that her name is Lola and she lived in the Yeovil and Sherborne area but her chip details are out of date so we’re really keen to know where she’s come from.

“We’d like to thank everyone who helped Lola get the help she needed as quickly as possible.

She’s now getting the care and attention she needs with the team at St Giles Animal Centre.

“By working together we can create a world that’s kinder for all animals. It’s the responsibility of us all to show kindness and compassion to all animals; everyone for every kind.

"If you find a sick or injured animal or an animal who is trapped or has been abandoned, it’s important to get them the help they need as quickly as possible, so we have lots of advice on our website to help the public help animals themselves.

“Anyone with information about who Lola belonged to should call the RSPCA appeals line on 0300 123 8018.”

This year the RSPCA celebrates its 200th birthday.

To mark this special anniversary the animal welfare charity wants to inspire one million people to join their movement to improve animals' lives.

To find out how you can join their million-strong movement for animals visit