A MAN from Somerset has been sentenced in connection with the handling of a stolen tractor and trailers. 

Charlie Hughes, of Fosse Way in Ilchester, was arrested along with two others on August 25 2021 after officers from Avon and Somerset Police's rural crime team, neighbourhood, intelligence, roads policing and patrol teams carried out enquires into a stolen trailer. 

Avon and Somerset Police launched an investigation in which machinery and trailers were recovered, and it was later discovered that one of the tractors and two trailers were stolen. 

Another trailer was found at the same location, which was also confirmed to be stolen, a few months later.

Hughes appeared at Taunton Crown Court, sitting at North Somerset Courthouse, on Friday, June 21.

He pleaded guilty to four counts of handling stolen goods, and was sentenced to nine months in prison, suspended for 18 months. 

Sgt Katie Maun, from the Rural Crime Team, said: "This conviction is testament to the collaborative working between several teams, with a joint aim of protecting our rural communities.

“This outcome would not have been possible without the fantastic support of the officer in the case, DC Fran Rolli.

“Although the sentence was a suspended custodial term, we firmly believe this conviction sends out the message that we take rural crime seriously and will work hard to bring offenders to justice.”

Hughes was also ordered to complete a 10 day rehabilitation activity, participate in a 29-day programme, carry out 80 hours of unpaid work, and pay £187 to the court in victim surcharge.