A new community centre in Minehead was officially opened last week.

A crowd of 100 gathered for the opening of The Minehead Shed on July 6 by Cllr Mandy Chilcott.

Visitors were offered the opportunity to interact with The Shedders, catch a peek at the expansive community workshop, and witness original handcrafted goods not available in conventional stores.

Guests also saw a community workshop take place with ample space to sit and chat over a hot drink.

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They were allowed to assemble and take away a unique bird box without charge, although these will typically sell for £15 at future craft shows.

The Shedders acknowledged Travis Perkins in Mart Road for generously supplying the wood required for the bird boxes and other projects.

The Shedders have plans for future developments, including the installation of a partition to improve sound insulation and a collaboration is underway with Tools With A Mission to send repurposed tools to Africa.

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This endeavour aims to minimise landfill in the UK, while simultaneously offering assistance abroad.

Information about this initiative can be found at https://www.twam.uk/.

Minehead Shed welcomes new members of all interests and abilities and opens from 9:30am to 12:30pm every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.