TODAY South West in Bloom judges are meeting to review the widely well regarded Wellington Park.

The park was awarded the Green Flag Award  for the 24/25 season, due to the quality of the park being well maintained and looked after by the Somerset Council and Wellington Town Council.

The Mayor of Wellington, Janet Lloyd (pictured middle-left) holding a banner to celebrate the achievement of  Wellington Park winning the Green Flag Award. 

Judges of South West in Bloom will be reviewing the quality of the town’s planters, parks, and its cleanliness. Councillor Janet Lloyd, the Mayor of Wellington, is set to be attending alongside the judges.  She said: “I will be accompanying the South West in Bloom judges as they tour the town assessing our wonderful floral displays. The tour will include visiting our lovely park and it is absolutely amazing that it has been awarded the Green Flag again this year.”

“My thanks and appreciation go to all those who have worked so hard to make this park so beautiful.”

Receiving an international accreditation is by no means an easy feat, but for Wellington Park it seems that it is. This isn’t their first achievement as the park has been awarded the Green Flag award for the last 15 consecutive years.

Wellington Town Council Open Spaces Manager Darren Hill said: “Wellington Town Council would like to extend its thanks to the Friends of Wellington Park, the Community Payback Team, and the hard work of Somerset Council’s Grounds maintenance team for keeping up the good work and making Wellington Park a place we can all be proud of.”

If you’re from Wellington, then the park is something to be extremely proud of, as Wellington Park is also a registered Green Flag Heritage Site in recognition of its local and national history importance.