The Monkton Heathfield Community Fridge is celebrating both its second anniversary and saving 72 thousand kilograms of food from wastage.

The initiative was kick-started by West Monkton Parish Council and has since been managed by a devoted team of local volunteers.

Chair of West Monkton Parish Council, Stuart Haskins, said: "We are so fortunate to have a wonderful team of volunteers across our local community who have come together to make this initiative so successful.

"Local residents volunteer their time to collect surplus food from numerous stores around the town daily to keep the fridge stocked and also get involved in cleaning, tidying and key holder duties in order that the project runs smoothly.

"It is wonderful to have this resource in our community that is saving so much food from waste and helping local households in what are difficult economic times, and the success of the Community Fridge is testament to the dedication of our brilliant volunteers, whom I would like to take this opportunity to thank wholeheartedly."

However, the team will not be slowing down any time soon.

Plans to extend the successful project are already in motion.

WM Parish Council community clerk, Kate Welsh, added: "We have recently received additional funding from Sainsburys Community Fund, The Co-op Community Fund, Magic Little Grants and Somerset Community Foundation to expand the fridge to enable us to collect and store more frozen foods and have additional space for sharing books/uniform and other essentials.

"We recently had a second shed erected, to house books, uniform and other non-perishable essentials.

"We will be adding new shelving to both sheds, protecting the food from the elements, helping the food stay fresh longer, as well as a canopy between the two sheds."

She added: "purchasing high tech security cameras to help us deal with any issues at the fridge and pass information onto the police should any vandalism take place either at the fridge or in the local vicinity - we hope this will enable us to extend our opening times."

The Community Fridge is on Facebook at @Our Community Fridge – Monkton Heathfield.