A SECOND World War veteran from Somerset is finally to receive his war medals – nearly 80 years after he saw action in Belgium and Germany, Clinton Rogers writes.

George Lewis, who is now 98 and lives with his daughter Liz in Watchet, served with the Royal Tank Regiment.

But for some reason he never received his medals – one theory is they were sent to the wrong address.

When one of his neighbours, Val Norman, found out, she set about putting that right.

(Image: Contributed)

Her brother had served in the same regiment.

He contacted the Regimental Association and they have now provided the medals.

George will be formally presented with them by a Deputy Lieutenant of Somerset, Brigadier Richard Toomey, at an event being organised by the Royal British Legion.

It will be held at the RBL Club in Mill Lane, Watchet at 1pm on Saturday July 20.

Today Brigadier Toomey said: “We’re not sure why Mr Lewis never got his medals when he should have done, but thanks to his neighbour, Mrs Norman, and with the help of the regiment and the Royal British Legion we are going to make sure we do this properly.

“His generation deserve our utmost respect and admiration and this is the least we can do.

“It will be an honour to present him with his medals on behalf of the Lord-Lieutenant.”

Mr Lewis’ daughter Liz said: “Dad is thrilled to be finally getting his medals. I think we can say he is tickled pink with the fuss that is being made.”

Loretta Whetlor, chairman of Watchet Royal British Legion, added: “When the Royal British Legion heard about this we thought it hugely important to make sure Mr Lewis’ war service was properly recognised. It promises to be a lovely occasion.”