WHEN the world’s media arrived at the Olympic Village in London for the 2012 Summer Olympics, they were greeted with artwork from pupils at Bishop's Hull Primary School.

Students at the school entered a competition to design "innovative welcome" posters for the then-newly built press centre in the Olympic Village.

And in July 2012 they were crowned victorious, meaning their work was handed to journalists when they arrived to cover the spectacular sporting event.

Pictured are pupils with their winning posters.

Later that month Team GB shooter Ed Ling visited children at St John’s Primary School in Wellington on his way to the Olympic Village.

Speaking about his preparations for London 2012, he inspired pupils with tales about his past and how he overcame hurdles to get where he is now.

Head teacher Duncan Gordon said: “The children were captivated and wished him well.”

Meanwhile, NHS staff across Somerset were challenged to get involved in sport or physical activity before the Olympics came to London in 2012.

NHS organisations throughout the county encouraged 2,012 staff to become more active and get fitter before the games started.

The challenge was launched at Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton, in January 2012, by the hospital’s deputy chief executive Peter Lewis and NHS Somerset chief executive Ian Tipney.

Elaine Harris, NHS Somerset’s healthy active workplace manager, said at the time: “Healthier staff are good for the NHS, society and the individual and we want to offer as much support and encouragement as we can."

“At the launch day, there will be tester sessions, discounted events, a dedicated website and lots of support and incentives.

“Over the next 18 months there will also be specific challenges such as ‘Go Fat Go!’ encouraging NHS staff to collectively lose 2,012lbs by the Olympics."

The London Summer Olympics 2012 saw the US top the medal table, with 48 gold medals and the most medals overall, 104. China came in second with 91 total medals and 38 gold.

Great Britain was in third place overall, with 65 total medals and 29 gold.