A specialist sixth form college devoted to mathematics, physics and computing recently held a ceremony to celebrate the achievements of its pupils, including a student from Taunton.

Aditi, from Taunton, a pupil at Exeter Maths School who hopes to study maths at Warwick University, said: "The best thing about the Exeter Maths School is its size – everyone knows everyone else so there’s a family vibe.

"Everyone is so supportive of each other.

"I’ve always been interested in maths and love working with real-world data."

Headteacher Kerry Burnham echoed her sentiments, saying: "We are very proud of all of [the students] and look forward to seeing what they end up doing in life."

Aditi, like the rest of the pupils, completed the school's challenging Exeter Maths Certificate, which provides research experience, university-style study and industry experience.

Dr Gihan Marasingha, University of Exeter maths lecturer and Exeter Maths School governor, said: "I’m so passionate about my involvement with this wonderful school.

"It’s so inspiring to see how teachers and pupils are not confined by the usual limits of the curriculum."

The school, which has 128 pupils, specialises in mathematics and related subjects and all students take A Levels in mathematics, further mathematics and either physics, computer science or both.