GARDENING clubs and societies are invited to submit their entries for this year’s Taunton Flower Show competition.

If you have been to the Competition Marquee, you will have seen the big Display entries for Division 1.

The title this year is called ‘The Greenhouse’ and is open to all informal groups, gardening clubs, associations, and societies.

Those interested in growing might consider entering Divisions 2 and 3, which are all about flowers, fruit, and vegetables.

Division 4 is specifically for novices - that is for those exhibitors who have not won a first prize previously in the show. The Floral Marquee will play host to Gardeners Question time, as well as talks from William Sitwell and Claire Greenslade.

The competition booklet and details about how to enter can be found at the website You can also pick up a booklet from Taunton Visitors Centre and Monkton Elm Garden Centre.