Ten new stamping stations and five new collection points have been announced for the Somerset and Exmoor Coast Trail passport.

Following its successful launch in autumn 2023, the passport was reprinted for summer for walkers eager to collect stamps from 45 locations along the route.

The passport, detailing the map and routes, is not just a navigational aid but aims to offer a personal record of the journey.

Walkers can collect stamps from a diverse range of locations, spanning cafés, pubs, hotels, galleries and shops they encounter on the pathway.

An added nostalgia factor comes from the space available on the passport for walkers to record their memories.

Isobel Pring, King Charles III England coast path officer for Somerset said: "We are encouraging everyone to join our guided walk at the Somerset & Exmoor Coast Festival: 80 miles in eight days.

"Each walker will receive a passport at the beginning and be encouraged to collect as many stamps as they can during their trip."

Having seen the popularity of the passport scheme, more locations have joined the initiative this year.

Walkers can now collect their passports from new locations including Burton Springs Holidays and Fishery, Thomas Poole Library (Nether Stowey), Williton Library, Watchet Community Library and Minehead Library.

Ian, from Burnham-on-Sea information centre, added: "The passport has been very popular and we hope the interest will continue to grow as more people discover our beautiful coast."

Adding to his sentiment, Sally from the Minehead information centre, said: "People have been pleased to receive a Somerset and Exmoor Coast Trail Passport.

"One person visiting the area from Winchester walked from Minehead to Blue Anchor collecting stamps on their way.

"Other people, who were excited to pick up the passport, planned to walk the full route over time.

"It has certainly helped to encourage people to walk along and enjoy the King Charles III England Coast Path."

In an attempt to garner more attention and add to the excitement, passport holders are being encouraged to share their images at the stamping locations online using the #SomersetExmoorCoast.

Additionally, details of the collection points, exclusive offers, and further information can be downloaded from somerset.gov.uk/coastpath.