THIS week six years ago a massive firefighter rescue mission for a seagull was unsuccessful when the bird flew off just before they reached it.

Around 15 firefighters and two vehicles were involved in the rescue on July 23, 2018, which was believed to have cost the taxpayer at least £1,000.

Crowds gathered to watch and traffic came to a standstill as a firefighter approached the seagull that appeared to be trapped on the roof of the church in Honiton, Devon.

But as he approached the bird simply flew away and the emergency responders were stood down.

The whole incident was witnessed by Clive Hearn, 43, a corporate consultant from Wellington, Somerset.

He said at the time: "It was quite excessive for a seagull, it was chaotic with the traffic in the centre of town.

"There were about 15 people there just for the seagull, as soon as they got close it flew off."

A spokesperson for Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue service said: "We attend these type of rescues because when there is an animal in distress it cases distress to the public.

"We don't want people to try and rescue the animal themselves and get themselves hurt so it's important we attend these type of events."