THE Willow Man has seen better days. In 2024, the sculpture is like a shadow of its former self.

Back in November, Somerset Council received £35,000 from National Highways’ Designated Funding programme for an ‘initial feasibility study’ to discuss repairing, enhancing and relocating the Willow Man.

Produced by artist Serena de la Hay, the sculpture was commissioned by South West Arts to mark the new millennium and to acknowledge the role of willow in the ecology and craft tradition of the Somerset Levels.

The 40-foot-tall ‘Angel of the South’ is a Somerset icon, but it has deteriorated over the years to the point where it is almost unfindable.

Originally the study brought up proposals to rebuild the Willow Man with ‘much more robust materials’ which should prevent the amount of wear and tear we seen since the sculpture’s arrival in 2000.

The Somerset Council have provided a statement on an update on the Willow Man project.

They said: “We are continuing to explore external funding options and potential partners to take this project forward.

“We hope to update the public soon.”