A TAUNTON care home has celebrated the 101st birthday of one of its "incredible" residents who received an MBE for her service in the British Red Cross.

Joyce Norrish, the former deputy director of the British Red Cross, who lives at Moorhaven residential care home in Taunton, said she reached 101 by "working hard all her life".

Moorhaven's staff said: "This incredible woman received an MBE from the Queen for her long service working at the British Red Cross.

"What an inspiration Joyce is, and how lucky we are to support her."

Joyce joined the British Red Cross in the 1960s and by the mid-1980s she had been promoted as the charity's deputy director.

While running the charity as deputy, Joyce also raised money and served as a senior first-aider.

She was awarded an MBE in 1989 by the Queen, after being nominated by the British Red Cross director and her colleagues at the charity. Joyce was then invited to attend a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace.

Joyce moved into Moorhaven residential care home aged 98 and her daughter said she is "living out her days well cared for and content".