Village flower arrangers and congregation members are encouraging visitors to an annual floral celebration at a church.

The Flower Festival will be hosted at St George's Church in Dunster from Friday, July 26 to Sunday, July 28.

Floral displays will complement the architecture of the church and will revolve around the theme of 'Flora & fauna of different countries around the world.'

Flower arrangers from village organisations, as well as community members, have spent many hours planning for the three-day event.

Other residents have worked in backstage roles to provide support.

Beyond the floral displays, attendees can enjoy hot refreshments and cake and browse a homemade stall for gifts.

Secondhand books, bric-a-brac, and homemade cards will also be on offer, alongside raffle tickets.

A representative of the Flower Festival said: "It’s exciting that the Flower Festival is being held again this year, and it is a delight to welcome visitors to come and enjoy the warm friendly atmosphere the event offers.

"All the money raised this year will be going towards essential works to the church bells and clock tower.

"Your visit and support mean so much to us all - thank you.

"Plus, there is the bonus to take time on your visit to Dunster to stroll around our wonderful medieval village."

The Flower Festival is open from 10am to 4pm each day.

Entry is free, with donations welcomed.

For more information about Dunster, visit