A TEENAGER who lashed out at a police officer kicking him in the chest during a disturbance at a Yeovil pub has appeared in court.

Oliver Trowbridge, 19, had been drinking when the police were called to a disturbance at the Bell Inn. When officers tried to arrest him he shouted a barrage of abusive threats and lashed out, kicking one of the officers.

Trowbridge, of Preston Road, Yeovil, admitted assaulting a police officer by beating him on June 25 when he appeared before District Judge Angela Brereton, sitting at Yeovil.

The court was told that officers attended the Bell following reports of an ongoing incident involving the defendant.

“When they approached him he was aggressive and angry towards them, so they arrested him,” said prosecutor Miss Morgan.

“He was verbally abusive, so they took him to the floor to restrain him and he lashed out and kicked one of the officers in the chest but did not cause any injuries.”

Neil Priest, defending, said that Trowbridge was on the autistic spectrum and had been drinking, which may have contributed to the way he reacted on that occasion.

“Thankfully, despite his difficulties he works full time as a damp proofer and he is very remorseful for what happened on that particular day, and thankfully there were no injuries,” he added.

District Judge Brereton sentenced Trowbridge to carry out 200 hours unpaid work and ordered him to pay £200 compensation to the police officer along with a £114 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

He was also excluded from attending the Bell Inn for the next year.

She said: “This offence occurred while you were under the influence of alcohol on licensed premises, and you made abusive threats towards the officers and then kicked one of them.

“It was more luck than judgement that there was no injury and there was a relative immaturity about how you behaved.”