A GLASTONBURY man accused of sending threatening text messages to his former partner will stand trial at Taunton Crown Court.

Camael King, 31, of Benedict Street, is charged with sending text messages to Jennifer Bennett which were of an indecent or grossly offensive nature for the purpose of causing distress to the recipient on March 26.

He is also alleged to have destroyed a window pane belonging to the same complainant.

Somerset Magistrates were told that the alleged victim was at home with her new partner when the defendant was said to have sent her a number of messages including one saying: “You will cut that toxic c*** out of your life.”

King pleaded not guilty to sending the message and elected to stand trial at Taunton Crown Court.

The cause was adjourned until August 12 when the defendant must attend a preliminary hearing at the crown court, sitting at North Somerset Court.

Until then he was released on bail with conditions not to contact the complainant and not to attend a specified address in High Street, Glastonbury.