HALLO fellow Tauntonians!

I’m Councillor Vanessa Garside and currently I have the great privilege of being the Mayor of Taunton. I came to Taunton as a young teacher of English and head of Drama.

I worked in both secondary and further education in Taunton, ending my career at Richard Huish College.

I worked out that I've taught about 5,000 people here and I'm very fond of them!

Since then I studied painting, my main hobby. This led me to be president of World Art Games UK and I managed to become the first UK chartered manager of arts and culture in 2020.

As a single parent and a carer for an elderly parent with dementia, I know how difficult it is for many people just to survive.

This is why I want to do my best for the people of Taunton and very grateful for their support.

When Taunton Town Council was formed, I saw an opportunity to be a part of something really positive and welcome the opportunity to work to enhance this beautiful town.

I was very honored to have been elected by the people of Wilton and Sherford as their representative and by the council members first as Deputy Mayor and then in May this year as Mayor.

I will do my utmost to deserve the faith which so many have placed in me. The many engagements I undertake act as a link between the various groups and organisations in the town.

Cllr Garside was elected as mayor in May.Cllr Garside was elected as mayor in May. (Image: Vanessa Garside)

As Mayor I take the Council’s messages out into the community and likewise, I can share the views and concerns of the community with the Council when I feed back at our monthly full council meetings.

When I became the Mayor, several people asked me: ‘What’s it like?’

Well, it’s a very strange experience because suddenly from being virtually unknown, you become a recognisable face.

It can be daunting, knowing that I represent all of Taunton, with its many diverse communities, cultural backgrounds and ages, but it’s a challenge that I am relishing.

Each year, the Mayor selects a charity to support. With thoughts of the diversity of the town in mind, I decided to endorse Diversity Voice, a charity whose mission is to help those who are new to the community and promote social inclusion.

This can range from supporting refugees, migrants and newcomers to helping people who are finding it difficult to find friends and fit into their surroundings.

Last week they opened their base in Taunton in the Brewhouse café: THRIVE. Open Wednesday 11am to 1pm. Just drop in and find friends to help you.

Representatives of Diversity Voice will be joining me and other members of Taunton Town Council at our gazebo at the historic Taunton Flower Show taking place this weekend at Vivary Park.

I hope that if you’re there, you will come along to say hello and find out a bit more about what we at Taunton Town Council do, as well as what Diversity Voice do, and join me in wishing them every success in their new enterprise.

Diversity and the arts being so important to me, I’m fortunate to be involved in the upcoming Taunton Together event on September 28.

Taunton Town Council is collaborating with its cultural partners to deliver this fantastic event, an end of summer celebration, taking place at locations across the town centre with street performers, art activities, music, stalls and much more.

This event will be Taunton Town Council’s first ever festival, a vibrant celebration of community, culture, and creativity in the heart of Taunton town centre.

It is designed to showcase all of Taunton’s talents and to celebrate the diversity of our great community. The event is free to attend and will have something for everyone.

Make sure to follow the Taunton Town Council social media channels and sign up to the Newsletter (find out how at www.taunton-tc.gov.uk) so you don’t miss any updates.

As I look forward to my year ahead as your Mayor, it is important to me to have the opportunity to meet as many of you as possible (although perhaps not all 60,000 or so!).

If you would like me to attend an event in my capacity as Mayor, there is a booking form on the Taunton Town Council website, or you can contact civic@taunton-tc.gov.uk for more information.

I do get busy though, so remember to leave plenty of time!