A Somerset woman swam the English Channel last month to raise money for charity.

Hannah Litchfield, the energy manager at Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, took the plunge on Wednesday, July 17 to support the Somerset NHS Charity, raising £1,500 so far.

Ms Litchfield started her ambitious swim in Dover.

Along the way, she had a support boat with a crew of three, as well as family and friends, guiding her journey.

It took her 12 hours and four minutes to reach France.

Ms Litchfield has raised £1,500 so farMs Litchfield has raised £1,500 so far (Image: Somerset NHS Foundation Trust)

To sustain her endurance, she had hourly access to a feeding station managed by her dad and her best friend Jen, packed with essential carbohydrates.

Ms Litchfield said: "I’ve always wanted to swim the Channel.

"I’ve been swimming since a very young age – I think I could swim before I could walk."

The challenge was meaningful to her as she had relied on Somerset Foundation Trust during mental health struggles.

Not only did the trust provide her with treatment, but it also served as her workplace.

Ms Litchfield is the energy manager at Somerset NHS Foundation TrustMs Litchfield is the energy manager at Somerset NHS Foundation Trust (Image: Somerset NHS Foundation Trust)

She said: "Whilst I was getting better, I found a job here at Somerset Foundation Trust.

"My job enabled me to focus and carry on getting better.

"It made complete sense to me to raise money for the place that has given so much to me.

"If it wasn’t for the support I’ve received from this trust, my manager and my colleagues, I don’t think I’d have been able to meet the challenge."

James Kirton, head of the charity at the trust, expressed his delight at Ms Litchfield's accomplishment.

He said: "This incredible colleague has done something really special.

"Not only has she raised a small fortune for Somerset NHS Charity, but she has also helped to raise the profile of our charity, showing colleagues and patients alike, that anyone can get involved and take on a challenge to raise extra funds for the trust’s charitable funds.

"Every penny will be put back into our trust and used to make a difference for patients across Somerset."

The 21-mile journey took 12 hoursThe 21-mile journey took 12 hours (Image: Somerset NHS Foundation Trust)

Recalling the moment she landed in France, Ms Litchfield said: "I don’t think I quite processed it at that point.

"I’d also just been stung on the neck by a jellyfish, so that really hurt.

"But I remember coming up on a beach, and there were all these French locals clapping and cheering for me – and there I am, sunburnt and bewildered by the whole experience.

"But what was lovely was my friend Jen was able to jump out of the boat and swim across to me, so we could have a moment together."

With the English Channel swim done and dusted, Ms Litchfield is geared up for her next adventures.

She will be representing Great Britain in ice swimming at the World Championships in Italy in January next year.

She also aims to complete the triple crown marathon swimming challenge, which includes swimming the 20-mile Catalina Channel, a 28.5-mile circumnavigation of Manhattan Island in New York City, and the 21 miles between England and France.

Ms Litchfield's efforts to raise money for the Somerset NHS Charity are ongoing via her JustGiving page: www.justgiving.com/page/hannah-litchfield-englishchannel