THIS year's 'Ready, Steady, Garden!' competition held at the Taunton Flower Show saw three teams race to create a display in a tractor tyre.

The first-place trophy, The Cann Cup, was taken home by friends Phil and Sally, from Bridport and North Petherton respectively, for their willow and ivy-focused arrangement.

Three teams were given 45 minutes and an assortment of plants they'd not seen before the challenge to create an interesting miniature garden within the tyre.

The judging was done by Andrew Pittman, Plant Manager at Monkton Elm, who said it was the "highest standard of entries" they'd ever had. 

Praising team number two's winning display, Andrew, who is horticulturally trained, said: "This one, we've got the [Willow] Salix Nishiki in the middle, again we've got the ivy breaking up the edge nicely.

"We've also picked up the variegation down through the middle, we've got good balance, nice and full.

"I must admit I always like them as full as possible as it is supposed to be a wow factor because we're at a flower show.

"It's very well put together and nicely finished, I even like the attention to detail with the winding of the ivy up the [Willow] stem.

"There's no dead heads on there, it absolutely looks stunning that one."

Winners Sally and Phil, who met at college and have been friends for 43 years, said the challenge "focused the mind" and that it was the first time they'd entered the Ready, Steady, Garden! challenge.

Phil said: "We're overwhelmed, we're both keen gardeners. I'm in the garden every weekend. It's interesting to see a range of plants you've never seen, an interesting mix, to choose which ones you put in and leave out.

"It's challenging, and getting it into this tiny shape is quite tricky."

Taunton Flower Show's Vice Chairman Anne Kearle said: "Thank you to the competitors for three brilliant gardens, particularly the winning garden, and to everybody who's worked hard to make this happen."

Judge Andrew added that team number one's design, by Kathy and Darrell, had a "nice architectural feel in the middle", a well-balanced colour, and "evergreen elements that will look good throughout the year".

He added that team number three's display, by Keith and Jane from Langport, had a "focal point" with pairs of plants, Imperata on either side coming down into a triangle.

Monkton Elm Garden Centre donated the plants used for the challenge.