A WOMAN from Somerset tasked herself with walking 6k a day for one week to help bring water to vulnerable children and their communities.

Hannah Lefeuvre, from Chiselborough, near Yeovil, underwent the challenge as part of the Global 6K Walk for Water, an initiative by World Vision UK.

6km is the average distance in the developing world that children, usually girls, walk daily to get water for their communities.

Participants in the event take on the challenge of walking, jogging, or running the equivalent 6km to raise funds.

Hannah Lefeuvre, from Chiselborough, near Yeovil, said: "Recently, I was asked to contribute to a local church flower festival, exploring the theme of water, which linked to their installation of a new toilet.

"Connecting with the notion of readily available water, I found World Vision online and created a display to align with the campaign.

"As an individual, living off-grid, on harvested rainwater and using a compost toilet, I have found a heightened awareness of water scarcity, particularly during relative droughts.

"However, I am aware that our lifestyle has been a choice and one that kindly neighbours and family have rescued us from, with water donations at times!

"During the experience of creating the church display and then on the 6k walks, I was mindful of a number of ironies.

"At the church, my initial disappointment that the flowers, picked from mine and a friend's garden, had dried and wilted by the end of the festival.

"Whilst walking, I was aware of carrying without a heavy load, without worry of spillages, illness or disease, on safe routes, by choice, in leisure time, as an adult, for just one week, at times in the rain, with quenched thirst, clean water available and a degree of recognition and encouragement for what I was doing.

"Having reached over £500 in sponsorship, I have decided to keep going and am continuing to walk 6k a day for a second week."

Hannah's JustGiving page is still live and donations can be made at https://www.justgiving.com/page/hannah-lefeuvre-1719636419686.

World Vision is the largest non-governmental supplier of clean water.

The organisation claims that it reaches one new person with clean water every 10 seconds.

Its water projects run in tandem with its other initiatives in areas like health, education, food, and economic development.

Nearly 1,000 children under five die every day due to diarrhoea, caused by contaminated water, poor sanitation, and improper hygiene.