AN exciting new project in Bridgwater and Taunton is aiming to create new drumming groups for young people.

Beats on The Streets is looking for young people, whether new to drumming or an experienced drummer, to take part in this new initiative.

The project, initially based in Taunton and Bridgwater, will give young people the opportunity to create music and will be offering free taster sessions to as many groups as possible.

Young drumming groups will be created by the project which will also train new young leaders and create a "pilot band" to develop and demonstrate ideas.

Street drumming uses a variety of drums and percussion, creating stirring rhythmic music that draws on the rhythms of hip hop, rock, samba, dhol and much more.

Led by professional drummer Sean O'Hara with two other professional drummers, John Meikle and Emma Holbrook, the new bands will perform on the streets and at local events like carnivals and Christmas light ceremonies.  

The project is run by The Sound of The Streets Charity, which is a charity that creates street music, festivals and education projects and inspires and supports children and young people to make music.

Beats on the Streets hope to become a great community resource and showcase for the amazing young musicians in Bridgwater and Taunton.

If anyone is interested in taking part or finding out more information, they can contact the project by sending an email to