SOMERSET Olympic hero Ed Ling was back on the family farm just days after the Olympics, harvesting wheat with his bronze medal safely tucked away in his pocket.

The 33-year-old farmer from Wellington won Great Britain's third medal of the Games with bronze in the men's trap in August 2016.

He put the heartache of missing out on a medal in the Athens and London Games behind him to scoop third place in Rio.

Ling returned to the UK to a hero's reception at Heathrow Airport before heading to the family farm at Nynehead to help with the annual harvest.

"Being out in Brazil was an amazing experience and it was a real honour to be part of Team GB," said Ling from the cab of a combine harvester at the time.

"It is something I enjoy, I love shooting but I also love the farm. My job is done in Rio so I am now supporting Team GB home on the farm.

"I love the whole way of life, the farm, it's an amazing way to relax and wind down, especially when the sun is shining like this."

He was working alongside his wife Abbey, father Steven, mother Carol and teenage brother Theo.

"We're harvesting wheat and we managed to get the barley done before I left for Rio," the Olympian said.

"While I was out there my dad was telling me little white lies saying they hadn't started the wheat until I got back.

"Obviously I found out he had started but he was just trying to keep my mind on the job in hand."

Ling said he had no thoughts of retiring and dreamed that one day his wife and brother - who are both championship winning shooters - would join him at the Olympics for Team GB.

"There is definitely a lot more left and I enjoy shooting and as long as I keep enjoying it I will carry on doing it, no matter what," he said.

"My main goal is to keep shooting, keep enjoying it and hopefully more medals will come. I've qualified for the World Cup final so in October I will be heading to Italy to compete for Great Britain.

"Other than that it is enjoy the home shoots and get together with everybody who supported me enjoy the moment as well.

"It would be great one day to have myself, my wife and my brother competing at the Olympics, so that would be a major achievement."

Ling added: "I wasn't expecting the little garden party when I arrived home and it was a really nice gesture."

"To get that was a really nice feeling and really special to be able to share this moment with them as well because they have supported me when I started shooting to now."