A TEENAGER who headbutted a member of staff at a Frome restaurant after being told to leave the premises has been ordered to carry out 200 hours unpaid work.

Fuelled by drink, Joshua Beckett went to the Cordero Lounge when he was approached by a male who recognised him as he had previously been banned.

When he asked the defendant to leave he began shouting at the victim before headbutting him in the mouth, leaving him with painful teeth for weeks afterwards.

When Beckett, 19, of Leaze Road, Frome, appeared before Somerset Magistrates, they heard that he had a previous conviction for a violent offence and was serving a community order when this latest matter occurred.

He pleaded guilty to assaulting the complainant by beating him at Frome on April 4.

Prosecutor Ben Winzar said the defendant was known to the victim as he had been banned from the restaurant on a previous occasion, so when he came inside he was asked to leave.

“There was a verbal exchange between the two men and as Beckett was being walked out towards the exit he headbutted the staff member to the upper lip causing pain and numbness to his teeth for some time,” he said.

The victim sought treatment from a dentist and his teeth remained numb for at least three weeks after the incident.

Appearing unrepresented, Beckett said that he had not been aware he was banned from the premises when he attended.

“I was drunk and thought I’d been wronged when I was told to leave and it was a stupid, violent outburst,” he said.

“I am deeply, deeply sorry to the person who was hurt. Things are starting to look up in my life now, and that is not who I am.”

A report by the probation service said Beckett admitted that alcohol had fuelled his behaviour, but he had since reduced his drinking significantly and had also managed to secure himself a new job.

The magistrates sentenced the defendant to a 12-month community order with 200 hours unpaid work and five Rehabilitation Activity Days and also ordered him to pay the victim £200 compensation.

The magistrates told him: “You have been a bit of an idiot.”