A CHARD man who launched a vicious attack on a man he believed was having an affair with his partner could face a prison sentence.

Daniel Cable, 37, lay in wait for victim John Wilson as he walked out of a Tesco supermarket at 1.30pm on April 19.

He told him: “We have to have a word” and punched him in the face so hard his teeth went through his lower lip.

The victim blacked out temporarily and when he woke up realised his hands were covered in blood and also had severe pain in his leg.

He was taken to Yeovil District Hospital and had a broken bone in his lower shin and his leg was put in a cast. A doctor’s report said it was a complex fracture of the right fibula and would require further treatment.

A witness said the attack had been completely unprovoked and the victim had been punched with a clenched fist before the assailant ran off from the scene, leaving him lying on the ground.

Cable, of Chesterfield, pleaded guilty to unlawfully and maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm when he appeared at Yeovil Magistrates' Court.

Prosecutor Ben Winzar said that the two men were known to each other through mutual friends, but Cable had accused the victim of sleeping with his partner over the last year.

“He accused him of sleeping with his partner, but the victim denied it, and when he turned around was suddenly on the floor and felt he had been knocked out temporarily,” he said.

“He woke with his hands full of blood, and a witness described hearing a noise and saw Cable punch the victim with his right hand in a fist which was completely unprovoked.

“He made contact with the complainant’s head causing him to hit the floor and Cable then ran off leaving him on the floor crying.

“The victim felt as if his ankle had been broken, and his teeth had been punched through his lower lip.”

Defending solicitor Greg Peters said a pre-sentence report would be required from the Probation Service before Cable could be sentenced, adding that there were mental health issues and ADHD that needed further exploration.

The magistrates adjourned the case until October 1 for a report to be prepared saying that all options would be considered, including custody and committal to the crown court.

Until his next court appearance the defendant was released on unconditional bail.