A DISQUALIFIED drink-driver who crashed into another car in Street and then fled the scene has been given a three-year driving ban and ordered to carry out 140 hours work.

Best Lee Dube was driving on the wrong side of the road and without insurance when he collided with the other vehicle after repeatedly swerving across the road.

When he got out of his car a witness spotted empty bottles of booze in his car and started taking photos of him and he ran away from the scene.

He was later located by the police and when he as breathalysed around six hours later he was still over the drink-drive limit.

Dube, 26, of Marlborough Road, Cardiff, pleaded guilty to charges of drink-driving, driving while disqualified and without insurance and failing to stop after an accident when he appeared before District Judge Angela Brereton at Yeovil Magistrates' Court.

The court heard that the defendant was driving a BMW erratically along Cockrod in Street when he collided with an Audi vehicle.

The prosecutor said his BMW was seen swerving before the collision took place.The prosecutor said his BMW was seen swerving before the collision took place. (Image: Google Street View)

“The BMW approached on the wrong side of the road swerving multiple times before the collision occurred,” said prosecutor Miss Morgan.

“Another witness approached and went to check on the occupants, and as she approached the BMW the defendant got out of his vehicle and threw some empty alcohol cans in the bushes.

“She took photos of him doing this and Dube then ran away after being confronted by other people at the scene.”

Police found the defendant some time later and when he was taken to the police station a breath test produced a reading of 50mcg of alcohol in 100ml of breath. The legal limit is 35mcg of alcohol.

When interviewed he admitted the offences saying he left the scene because other people were shouting and screaming at him, and he felt scared because he was being filmed.

Dube also had a previous conviction in 2020 for an offence of failing to comply with a breath test and said he was shocked by his own behaviour.

He said: “I was going to my girlfriend’s house and had been drinking but I didn’t have the money for a taxi.”

District Judge Brereton told Dube there had been evidence of bad driving, there was a collision, and the defendant had run from the scene.

“This was a serious incident, and your remorse has saved you from a custodial sentence today,” she said.

She sentenced him to a 12-month community order with 10 Rehabilitation Activity Days and ordered him to carry out 140 hours unpaid work and imposed a three-year driving ban.

Costs of £85 and a £114 victim surcharge were also imposed.