Players and umpires from across the cricketing world gathered in Taunton on Tuesday afternoon to say their goodbyes to Ken Palmer who died on 23rd July at the age of 87.

The formal part of the occasion took place at Taunton Crematorium where the cricketing themed service was conducted by the Reverend Tim Hodge , during which former team mate and long time friend Peter Robinson paid a personal tribute packed full of anecdotes.

Among those who attended were  former England internationals Jack Russell, John Jameson, Fred Rumsey, Brian Rose and  Andy Caddick along with many former players from Somerset and other counties.

READ MORE: Somerset Cricket Club pays tribute to Ken Palmer


After the service the mourners returned to the Colin Atkinson Pavilion at the Cooper Associates County Ground where many of those who Ken Palmer had meant so much to over the course of his life paid personal tributes.

Former Somerset captain, director of cricket and Club President Brian Rose said that as a young player Ken had helped him so much and helped him to become the player he’d turned into.

Ken’s younger brother Roy Palmer talked about how he had followed in his older brothers footsteps and just how much Ken had meant to the family.

Finally former Warwickshire player Geoff Humpage paid his own tribute to Ken who had had he had known both as a player and friend.