A fundraising effort has been launched to improve Wells Scout Hut.

The hut, which serves 130 young people each week, along with 70 on the waiting list, stands in need of refurbishment.

Wells Scouts' lead volunteer, Heather Anderson, said: "We do not currently have level access into, or within the building, for people with mobility issues."

"Our toilet facilities desperately need refurbishing.

"Our youngest Scouting members do not like using them as they currently are.

"Our hall needs sound dampening as the noise level is stressful for young people with sensory issues."

Councillor Jasmine Browne, who is raising money for Wells Scouts as her chosen Mayor's Charity for 2024/25, said: "Our city’s Scout leaders do wonderful work and I want to raise their profile and funds for the much-needed improvement of the Scout hut so they can give opportunities to more of our young people."

Councillor Browne has organised a charity concert in Wells Town Hall to raise money for the hut.

The planned concert on Saturday, November 23, will have an auction of donations from businesses in Somerset.

Architect Nigel Clarke has also joined the effort by offering his services for free for the re-design of the toilet facilities.

A Justgiving page has been created to raise funds, with a target of £60,000: justgiving.com/campaign/wells-scout-hut-appeal