CLEVEDON Marine Lake has warned bathers not to swim after a pollution Risk Alert was issued for the sea and tides overtopped into the lake.

The Environment Agency issued a pollution Risk Alert for the sea in Clevedon on Tuesday, August 20, for the second time this month.

Due to the sea's tides overtopping into the lake, the lake's management has warned swimmers against bathing until tests can be done.

The Environmental Agency issued a warning for Clevedon Beach, stating: "Bathing is not advised due to the likelihood of reduced water quality based on modelled predictions".

A spokesperson for Clevedon Marine Lake said: "Warning!! The lake has overtopped while an Environment Agency pollution Risk Alert was in place for the sea at Clevedon."

They added: "As is our policy, once the current series of overtopping tides has ended, we will sample and test the lake water.

"If that test determines the water quality to be poor, red flags will be flown at either end of the lake dam.

"It is pointless to test the water while a series of overtopping tides are in progress, as the tides occur more rapidly than the time required to obtain a test result."

More overtopping tides are expected each day until Friday, August 23, meaning tests will be postponed until then.

The lake's management advises swimmers to check the Water Quality section on the Marine Lake's website, or the SSRS (Safer Seas and Rivers Service) app from Surfers Against Sewage.

Clevedon Marine Lake is a tidal infinity pool filled with seawater, which makes it susceptible to pollution from the sea. It is powered by Volunteers, and managed by the Charity Marlens.